Akumina Flow User Widget - Akumina Community

Akumina Flow User Widget

Akumina Flow User Widget


Allow user to view and interact with a single instance of an Akumina Flow process, for purposes of completing a survey, poll or task.


    • Used with Akumina Flows.  This is a separately licensed feature.
    • Provides a widget for allowing a user to complete an instance of an Akumina Flow.
    • Supports both task completion and reporting modes
    • See PowerPoint presentation on Akumina Flow Widgets


    • Widget Name: AkuminaFlowUserWidget 
    • Available With:  Release 5.5 (Akumina 5.5 comes with a preview release of this widget)
    • Content App Type:  N/A 
    • Content Type:  N/A 
    • Content App Name: N/A 
    • List Name: N/A
    • Recommended Images Sizes:  N/A 
    • Dependencies:   Optimizer License




Process ID Specify the ID of the Akumina Flow Process that this widget will use
Widget Title Title/Header to show in widget.

Can use one of the following:

  • literal string; provide an empty string to hide the title
  • {Process.Name} shows name of process in user’s current language preference as configured in the Akumina Flow definition
  • {languageToken} which should be configured in “teamprocess.instance.languageToken”
Widget Height Determines display height of widget, selection of either Full (no maximum height) or Card (fixed height and scrollbar, if needed)
Hide Success Message When checked, will not display the interim task completion messages
Show Message Completion When checked, will show message on completion of the instance.
Mode Determines the initial mode of the widget.

Display the Akumina Flow’s starting task
Display the reporting section
Show on Completion If the initial mode is “New”, what should the widget show after the instance has been completed?

Display the Akumina Flow’s starting task again
Display the reporting section
Display the last task’s successful completion message
Hide the widget
Show Open Instances If the Akumina Flow tied to this widget requires additional roles to complete OR if you want to allow the user to save their work and come back at a later time to complete, consider enabling this option.  This will display open instances owned by this user so they can view its status and complete work at a later time.
Set Instance Owners Every Akumina Flow has a set of defined owners.  These people have privileged access to ALL instances of the flow.  There are some scenarios when you would like individual users to own ONLY specific instances.  The typical scenario is to allow managers to be owners of instances created by their direct reports.  The widget supports several automatic options for setting up the instance owner.

  • Blank/None: no instance owner will be used
  • Creator: the user creating the instance will be configured as the instance owner
  • Creator’s Manager: the user’s manager will be configured as the instance owner
  • Creator’s Managers: All of the user’s managers (hierarchical) will be configured as the instance owner
Start Property Values There’s often the need to set hidden properties for an Akumina Flow that are based on the creator.  The widget can automatically set properties associated with the Start task.  Provide a JSON object which defines what properties you want the widget to set.  The JSON property names MUST match the Akumina Flow property name.  JSON property values can be a literal string value or one of the following: {UserContext.xxx} where xxx is a property on Akumina.Digispace.UserContext.xxx, {Manager.xxx} where xxx is a UserBase property on the user’s Manager object (e.g. Id, Name)
Details URL The URL template that should be used when displaying instance or task details.  This is used as the URL for notifications and if you have enabled the “Show Open Instances”, the widget can provide a link for each open instance.  Typically this link points to a page where an Akumina Flow Team Widget is placed.  Add “{{id}}” in your url template (as in “?id={{id}}”) and the widget/notification engine will replace it with those details.
Report Type Primary  If reporting is supported, the first displayed report in the dropdown.
Report Type Secondary  If reporting is supported, the second displayed report in the dropdown
Report Type Tertiary  If reporting is supported, the third displayed report in the dropdown
Report Ranges

Report Week Type If you use either “ThisWeek” or “LastWeek” date ranges, what days do you consider a week? Select either ‘Sunday to Saturday’ or ‘Monday to Sunday’
Report Query Properties What properties can be used to filter the report data?  You must provide at least 1 report filter.  This property is a JSON array.  Each array item is a JSON object that provides the definition of a report filter with the properties:

  • Label: what text should be displayed to the user for this filter? Provide either a literal string or in multilingual environments you can provide a {language token key} for teamprocess.instance.reports.queryproperties.{key}’
  • PropertyName: process property name to filter on; use empty string for a wide-open filter
  • PropertyValue: value to search against. Supports {UserContext.xxx} and {Manager.xxx} replacement tokens. Use empty string for a wide-open filter
  • RequiredPersona: optionally limit use of this filter by user’s membership in persona
  • IsManager: true/false; optionally limit use by whether user is a manager
Pie Chart Height OOTB – Blank (defaults to 200px) Define the pie chart height for display.
Msg Timeout OOTB – Blank (defaults to 2 seconds) Specify in seconds how long the informational messages should be displayed before disappearing
Function to call before binding the UI events OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the callback function called after the UI has been rendered to the screen
Function to call after fetching data OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the callback function called after data has been fetched by the widget. The callback function signature should support:

callBackMethod:(props: WidgetProperties, data: null | StartUserTaskActionsI | UserTaskInstanceI | UserTaskActionsI | PimReportRequestI | PimReportI | string[], action:string) => void;

Here are the action/data Values that are called:

  • “Properties”; data = null: gives callback chance to overwrite properties
  • “WillCreateInstance”; data = StartUserTaskActionsI: gives callback chance to modify data prior to creating the instance
  • “WillCompleteTask”; data = UserTaskActionsI;  gives callback chance to modify data prior to completing the task
  • “WillRenderTask”; data = UserTaskInstanceI: gives callback chance to modify data prior to displaying the task
  • “DidCompleteInstance”; data = null: gives callback chance to do post processing; e.g., close this widget
  • “DidCancelInstance”; data = null: gives callback chance to do post processing; e.g., close this widget
  • “WillRunReport”; data = PimReportRequestI: gives callback chance to modify report parameters
  • “WillRenderReport”; data = PimReportI: gives callback chance to modify report data prior to display
  • “ResolveReportDateRange”; data = string[]; where [0] = start range in UTC and [1] = end range in UTC : a non-supported report date range descriptor was used: gives callback a chance to resolve it


View Name: ActivityFlowUserWidget

View Description:  Displays Akumina Flow process for purposes of completing a survey, poll or task.

 View Preview:

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