Creating a Department Site - Akumina Community

Creating a Department Site

The purpose of this document is to outline the process for creating a Department Site.

Create a new site via the Site Creator

Launch the AppManager from the Akumina tray.

Select Management Apps > Site Creator

From the drop down, select “Digital Workplace Foundation Department Site (v3)”

Provide a Title (name) and URL for the site. These can be different values, but usually it is easier to copy and paste. For the URL, avoid using special characters (quotations, slashes, ampersands, etc.). Leave “Inherit permissions from the parent site” checked for now (see Permission & Considerations below post deployment). Click “DEPLOY ALL” to create the site – it will go through each step to create the site. Once completed, it will tell you in a message at the top of the page.

Permissions & Considerations

After a site is created, you should follow your internal governance for permissions/groups. Please keep in mind the following:

  • Breaking inheritance will still leave the groups associated with the site. You can add/remove groups as needed to the individual Department Site.
  • Per your governance, there are two groups for each Department Site – one for “owners/admins” of the Department Site and one for “content editors” of the Department Site. These two groups will need to be added to the “Department Site Groups” SharePoint group which is used in the Tray Widget settings for accessing the Tray and various options.
  • The two Department Site groups will need the following access:
    • The Owner/Admin group should have “Full Control” to the Department Site
    • The Content Editors group should at least have “Design, Edit, Contribute”
  • Please do not remove or modify the permission level for the root site owners group or root site visitors group. The root owners need full control across the entire site/site collection and the root visitors’ group is the base access for the site for all users.
    • If you need to create a site but not have it be “publicly available yet” (completely hidden, not accessible via search), you can remove the root visitors group to prevent general users from accessing the site, but make sure to add that group back with “Read” access before you make the site live (put it in the menu or as a link on a publicly available page).
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