AppManager Upgrade to New Release - Akumina Community

AppManager Upgrade to New Release

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This topic will cover the steps needed to upgrade your current AppManager to the latest release.

Preparing for New AppManager Installation

Download the Latest Release files

  • Create a folder on your desktop called “Akumina Upgrade”
  • Download and extract the latest “” file from the Releases FTP location ( using the credentials you were provided with your license.  Save the zip and the extracted folder/files in your Akumina Upgrade folder
  • Since you will be modifying a few of the extracted files, retain the zip file in case you need to start again


Back Up Your Current Akumina AppManager Files

  • In the Akumina Upgrade folder create another folder called “Akumina AppManager Current Backup”
  • Access your current AppManager directory and backup ALL your current Akumina AppManager files to the backup folder


Update Specific Files in the AppManager New Release

The following files in the in AppManager new release need to be updated with values from your current release before deploying.


Web.config Updates

You will take the following key values from the current web.config and apply them to your new web.config:

IMPORTANT: Always use the new web.config file that comes with the new release and move your previous values into it. The new web.config may contain new constructs that are required to enable the latest functionality. Do a “compare” and move your existing values from your old web.config to the new web.config file.

In particular, ensure that you move the following values forward:

    <add key=”SharePointURL” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> ” />

    <add key=”ClientId” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> ” />

    <add key=”ClientSecret” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE>



           <add name=”Access-Control-Allow-Origin” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> “/>

<add name=”Access-Control-Allow-Credentials” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE>” />



Important Note: Client Secrets for SharePoint Add-ins that are registered using the AppRegNew.aspx page expire after one year.  It is a good idea to check the expiration date, or simply generate a new client secret as part of your upgrade to ensure no interruption in service.  See the following Microsoft article explaining the process to replace an expiring key.

InterChange.settings.config Updates

IMPORTANT: Always use the new interchange.settings.config file that comes with the new release and move your previous values into it. The new file may contain new constructs that are required to enable the latest functionality. Do a “compare” and move your existing values from your old nterchange.settings.config to the new nterchange.settings.config file.

At a minumum, you will take the following values from the current interchange.settings.config file and apply them to your new interchange.settings.config file.

Note: you may or may not have all these settings configured. If you do not have a setting below configured in your current interchange.settings.config file, then disregard the setting update in your new interchange.settings.config file as it is not required for your upgrade.

<add key=”akumina:SMTPHost” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> ” />

  <add key=”akumina:SMTPUser” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE>” />

  <add key=”akumina:SMTPPassword” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> ” />

  <add key=”akumina:SMTPPort” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> ” />

  <add key=”akumina:BackgroundUser” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> ” />

  <add key=”akumina:BackgroundPassword” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> ” />

  <add key=”akumina:BackgroundProcessorKey” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> “/>

<add key=”akumina:BackgroundPasswordMode” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE>”/>

<add key=”akumina:KeyVaultClientId” value=” <REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> “/>

  <add key=”akumina:KeyVaultClientSecret” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> “/>

  <add key=”akumina:KeyVaultSecretUri” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> “/>

<add key=”akumina:tempuploadpath” value=”<REPLACE WITH CURRENT VALUE> ” />

Note: If you are using any third party authentication providers to access AppManager (such as PingADSF, etc.), you will have additional keys in your interchanges.settings.config file that must be copied into the new version.  For example, the following keys would need to be copied (key and value) for Ping support:

<add key=”ping:realm” value=”urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline”/>

<add key=”ping:stsaddress” value=”YOUR VALUE”/>

<add key=”ping:wctx” value=”YOUR VALUE”/>


Copy the Current AppManager DSS Config File

  • Delete the dss.config file in the new AppManager folder and replace it with a copy of the dss.config file from your current AppManager backup.  This allows you to retain all the Content Apps and other settings that you already had defined for the AppManager.

Upgrading the AppManager

Now that you have updated your new Akumina AppManager files you are ready to apply the upgrade.

Note: During the following steps the AppManager will be inaccessible and certain site functions that communicate with AppManager will be unavailable.  This should be done in off hours to minimize impact.
  • Access the location where the current Akumina AppManager is hosted
  • Delete all the current AppManager files (note you should have made a full backup of these files in already, but if you have not you must do so now).  It is recommended to delete all the files rather than overwriting them.
  • Copy all the new Akumina AppManager files (which includes the updated web.config, interchange.settings.config, and dss.config) to this hosted location.
  • Once all files are copied successfully, login to the Akumina AppManager from your SharePoint site collection.
  • If you cannot login, contact Akumina Support or roll back to your previous release until you can contact support
  • Once logged into the AppManager, check the version number by going to the settings area using the gear in the top right corner of the AppManager. You will see the version appear here. Verify the new version is displayed.
  • If you see that your Akumina AppManager has been successfully upgraded to the new release, then you are ready to upgrade your Site Collection with the latest framework files. Return to the App Explorer by clicking the triangle icon in the top left of the Akumina AppManager.
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