Site Alerts Widget - Akumina Community

Site Alerts Widget

Site Alerts Widget


Quickly surface important and timely site alert information, on every page.  


    • Site alert messages can be targeted by using personas or metadata tags.
    • Unlimited number of alerts with ability to cycle through them. Displays one or more site alert messages on all site pages, messages will rotate and display in descending order based upon last modified date/time.
    • Rich text editor.
    • Active/Inactive and expiration date capabilities.
    • Alert messages can be configured to be dismiss-able, in this case a Dismiss will display next to the alert allowing the logged in user to dismiss the alert.
    • Alerts can be targeted using personas.
    • Ability to configure to display across the entire page or only display in the top right-hand corner of the page.
    • Ability to create a custom filter on a category field based on any taxonomy column (defaulted to Department category).


    • Widget Name: SiteAlerts
    • Available With:  Release 5.5 Hive Install and above
    • Content App Type: Author
    • Content Type: FoundationSiteAlert
    • Content App Name: Site Alerts
    • List Name: FoundationSiteAlerts_AK
    • Recommended Images Sizes: N/A
    • Dependencies: SharePoint


Title Title that will display in the Content App list
Site Wide Alert Message Message that displays
Enable Alert Sets alert to active (displays on the site) or Inactive (does not display on the site)
Expires Date and time when the alert will become inactive and no longer display
 Category Field (Filtered on) Metadata categorization used to target the alert. Defaulted to Department category but can be configured for any taxonomy.
Allow Disable When checked, allows the user to dismiss the site alert by selecting Dismiss.  The alert will remain in a dismissed state until the user clears all of their cache. If not checked, the user will not be able to dismiss the alert.


Selected list columns Columns in the SharePoint list that the widget is utilizing.
Cache Interval default = -1

Sets the time, in minutes, that the data should be saved in the local browser cache of the current user.

·       0 = Do not cache the data for this widget

·       -1 = Use the default caching strategy set in the Digital Workplace configuration

·       Whole Number = Cache for specific time, in minutes

List is on Root Site When checked, the widget uses the list on root/parent site. If not checked, uses the list on the current site.
List Name Name of the SharePoint list that contains the data to be displayed for this widget instance.
Category Filter On Metadata Category. The category field (filtered on) is defaulted to filter on Department category but can be configured to any other taxonomy column.
Filter Value If set then the user context token can be used to target alerts.  Example if you tagged content for office location then set this value to Akumina.Digispace.UserContext.OfficeLocation alerts will be displayed based upon logged in user’s office location.  The Akumina.Digispace.UserContext.OfficeLocation data is acquired via the people sync and also the office location displayed on people directory/employee detail.
View XML The viewxml contains any special manipulation of the data that needs to be done by the widget BEFORE it gets render by the specified view.  In this case, the viewxml is set to the following string:

<View><Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=’Expires’ Ascending=’False’ /><FieldRef Name=’Created’ Ascending=’False’ /></OrderBy><Where><And><Or><Geq><FieldRef Name=’Expires’ /><Value IncludeTimeValue=’TRUE’ Type=’DateTime’><Today /></Value></Geq><IsNull><FieldRef Name=’Expires’ /></IsNull></Or>{%CATXML%}</And></Where></Query></View>

Function to call before binding the UI events OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the function called after the UI has been rendered to the screen
Function to call after fetching data OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the function called after data has been fetched by the widget. 
Site Collection URL Site collection URL where the SharePoint list defined in “List Name” can be found.


View Name:  Site Alerts

View Description:  Responsive carousel that lets you cycle through the appropriate Site Alert messages.  If the alert has a “Dismiss” then it can be dismissed by the logged in user.

View Preview:

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