Important Dates Widget - Akumina Community

Important Dates Widget

Important Dates Widget


Highlight important company events that are populated either from a SharePoint list such as ImportantDates_AK or directly from a calendar on the site.


  • Items can be explicit items in a list OR linked to calendar events 
  • Includes expiration date support to automatically remove content from site after the date passes if using a SharePoint calendar or respects Expires on a SharePoint list.
  • Provides ability to display featured or non-featured events


  • Widget Name: ImportantDatesWidget 
  • Available With:  Release 4.0 and Above
  • Content App Type:  Author (seeWorking with Author Type Content Apps) 
  • Content Type:  AkuminaImportantDates and AkuminaCalendar
  • Content App Name:  Important Dates 
  • List Name:  ImportantDates_AK 
  • Recommended Images Sizes:  N/A 
  • Dependencies:  SharePoint


If data source is from a AkuminaImportantDates type list such as ImportantDates_AK

Title  Title that displays on the site, and in the content app list 
Details Link – Web Address (URL)  Link that a user will be directed to when the event title is clicked 
Link Title  Link title used for accessibility
Start Date   Event date that displays to the left of the event title  
More Window  Sets the Details Link to open in the same window or a new window 
Subtext  Event details that display under the event title 
Do Not Display This Item  Sets event to inactive and it will not display on the site
Expires  Date and time when the alert will become inactive and no longer display.  This must be set to remove the content from the front end widget.
If data source is from a AkuminaCalendar type list such as Calendar_AK


Title  Item title in SharePoint also used to generate the Static URL column
Location  The location of the event, this will display on the event detail
Start Time Time when the event will start, this is displayed on the calendar as well as the event detail
End Time Time when the event will end, this will display on the calendar as well as the event detail
All Day Event Select if the event is to occur for the entire day
Recurrence Select and set for a recurrence event
Description Description is the summary of the event
Category Event Category displayed on the event detail page.
EventTitle  Title displayed for the event on the widget this column allows for special characters 
Seo-Description Search Engine Optimization description
Seo-Keywords Search Engine Optimization keywords
Seo-Title  Search Engine Optimization Title
Featured If selected then this event will show up on the ImportantDatesWidget, if not selected then the event will only appear on the calendar page.
DetailLinks Not currently used on this widget but is available for widget expansion
StaticUrl This field is auto generated using the title column, spaces are replace with -.  This column is used to generate the FriendlyURL for dynamic navigation.
Body Body of the event detail


List Name  Name of the SharePoint list that contains the data to be displayed for this widget instance. 
Additional Select Fields Columns in the SharePoint list that the widget is utilizing
Featured When set to “true”, the featured flag in the list is required for the event to be displayed on the widget.
View All Link   Link for the View All button
Displayed Title  Title that’s displayed as the widget header 
Icon  Selects the icon that is displayed to the left of the widget title 
Dates are from Calendar  If true then the SharePoint list set in property “List Name” will be considered a calendar of type AkuminaCalendar.
Featured Field  When “Dates are from Calendar” is set to “true”, the featured flag in the calendar item is required to be set to true for the event to be displayed on the widget. 
Calendar Display  When “Dates are from Calendar” is checked then “Calendar Display” can be set to:

  • today = Displayed events will begin on todays date.
  • blank = Display events beginning from yesterdays date
  • month = Display event that have occurred starting from 1 month ago from today
Category and Category Field Ability to show only items tagged with specified categories

For example, the following settings will display only those events with the field HubNewsCategory equal to the current site’s title.
Cache Interval  Sets the time, in seconds, that the data should be saved in the local browser cache of the current user. 

  • 0 = Do not cache the data for this widget 
  • -1 = Use the default caching strategy set in the Digital Workplace configuration 

Whole Number = Cache for specific time, in minutes 

# of Items to Display  This controls how many items to display on this widget default 5
Function to call before binding the UI events OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the function called after the UI has been rendered to the screen
Function to call after fetching data OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the function called after data has been fetched by the widget.
Site Collection URL  Site collection URL where the SharePoint list defined in “List Name” can be found.


View Name:  Important Dates – Modern

View Description: A FS’20 supported view, displays important dates, complete with date, title, and description in a scroll-able list .  If user list type AkuminaImportantDates content author has to set the older events to expire so they will not show up on this widget.

View Preview:  

View Name:  Important Dates – Slider – 

View Description: A FS’20 supported view, displays important dates, complete with date, title, and description in a slider format with navigation between events using the chevrons or ….  Event Detail if using a AkuminaCalendar type SharePoint list, navigates the user to the Calendar page. If user list type AkuminaImportantDates content author has to set the older events to expire so they will not show up on this widget.

View Preview:  

View Name:  HomePage-Important Dates 

View Description:  Displays a number of important dates, complete with date, title, and description the widget height will expand based upon the number of events to display. If user list type AkuminaImportantDates content author has to set the older events to expire so they will not show up on this widget.

View Preview:  



View Name:  HomePage-Important DatesUpcoming 

View Description:  Displays important dates, complete with date, title.  If user list type AkuminaImportantDates content author has to set the older events to expire so they will not show up on this widget.

View Preview:  

View Name:  ImportantDates-Default 

View Description:  Displays important dates, complete with date, title, and description.  If user list type AkuminaImportantDates content author has to set the older events to expire so they will not show up on this widget.


Views: 1273