Internal Pages Widget - Akumina Community

Internal Pages Widget

Internal Pages Widget

For Foundation Site Installations that are not Hive, please refer to widget documentation here.


Dynamically load internal page content from a specified SharePoint list.  To understand how to add additional dynamic page templates please visit here.  To learn more about editing and adding articles to this template, please visit here.



    • Display dynamically page content from a SharePoint list.
    • If there is no image set on the detailed item the picture will not display.
    • The supported content has a column called “ContentRelatedLinks” if this is populated then a related link section will appear below the detail body.
    • The ContentRelatedLinks can be style to follow a site design, since they are entered using a WYSIWYG editor.  A friendly link picker allows you to pick content from the supported list or other SharePoint list within the site.  Links to external sites can also be set.
    • A FriendlyUrl is generated upon saving content that can be used as preview and for site navigation.
    • This widget respects “Archive Date”- content will not be accessible until start date has been reached and “Publish Date” – content will no longer display upon expire


    • Widget Name: InternalPagesWidget
    • Available With:  Release 5.5 and above.  This article is specific for the Hive version of the InternalPagesWidget, for earlier version of this widget please visit here.
    • Content App Type: AkuminaInternalPage
    • Content Type: Author
    • Content App Name: Internal Pages
    • List Name: InternalPages_AK
    • Recommended Images Sizes: N/A
    • Dependencies: Microsoft Graph, SharePoint


Title  Title that will display in the Content App list 
Summary  Summary rich text.  If this SharePoint list is used on a AnnouncementItemsWidget then this field will be displayed on the listing page.  The summary does not display on this widget view but can be used else where
Body  Rich text that will makeup the body of the Internal Page 
Tags Termstore Taxonomy Tags that can be linked to the article and leveraged in Searching relevant content.
Departments Termstore Taxonomy Tags that can be linked to the article and leveraged in Searching relevant content.
Region Termstore Taxonomy Tags that can be linked to the article and leveraged in Searching relevant content.
Featured N/A not displayed on this widget views.
Publisher Publisher of the news article, they will appear on the News Detail page
Contributors People picker set of site users who have contributed to this article. N/A not displayed on this widget views.
Image  Image that will be used for the Internal Page if not set then no image will display on the page.
Image Description Text description of the image to be leveraged for accessibility/screen readers. By default, the image Url, but should be updated to a description of the picture
Video: Web Address(URL) Web address for a video to be displayed on listing widgets such as NewsWidget and CuratedNewsWidget. For additional details, please see instructions here.
Video: Link Title(URL) Link Title of the video to be displayed, to be leveraged for accessibility/screen readers. By default, the video Url, but should be updated to a description of the video
Is Akumina Page Checked by default to Akumina page link
Thumbnail URL Alternate Image used on listing article widgets such as NewsWidget or CuratedNewsWidget if not set then the Image will be used on those widgets.
Published Date Date in which the content will appear on the site, also the date that is displayed on the news article.
Archive Date Date in which the content will be archived from the site
StaticUrl What will be added to the site Url to create the friendly Url for the news article
FriendlyUrl After the article has been SAVED this field will be auto populated.  If you select this field then the article will open in a new tab for preview.  This field is what you copy and past into a quicklink type app to add the article to the site navigation.


Selected list columns  Columns in the SharePoint list that the widget is utilizing Example:


Cache Interval  Sets the time, in minutes, that the data should be saved in the local browser cache of the current user.

    • 0 = Do not cache the data for this widget
    • -1 = Use the default caching strategy set via Site Creator

Whole Number = Cache for specific time, in minutes

List Name  Name of the SharePoint list that contains the data to be displayed for this widget instance 
Use Friendly Url  Determines if the widget pulls in the friendly Url. Keep this checked
Function to call before binding the UI events OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the function called after the UI has been rendered to the screen
isasynccallback True if the callbackmethod should be run asynchronously
Function to call after fetching data OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the function called after data has been fetched by the widget.
List is on Root Site  When checked, the widget references the list on parent/root site collection.
Display Likes  By default this is checked, allowing Likes/Reactions to display on the page.  There are times when reactions may not be desired on a set of pages, in this case uncheck this property. This property setting will affect all pages using this widget instance.
Display Share  By default this is checked allowing “Share” on the Internal page.  There may be times when it is not desired for a set of internal pages to be shared in that case simply uncheck. This property setting will affect all pages using this widget instance.
viewxml  XML Query used to retrieve the data. In this case the query respects the “Publish Date” and “Achieve Date” set on the article item to be displayed.  As long as “Publish Date” is less than or equal to  Now and “Publish Date” is blank (never expire) or greater than today the content will display. Example:

<View><Query><Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name=’Title’/><Value Type=’Text’>{{properties.idOrTitle}}</Value></Eq><And><Leq><FieldRef Name=’Publish_x0020_Date’ /><Value IncludeTimeValue=’TRUE’ Type=’DateTime’>{{time.todayutc}}</Value></Leq><Or><Geq><FieldRef Name=’Archive_x0020_Date’ /><Value IncludeTimeValue=’TRUE’ Type=’DateTime’><Today /></Value></Geq><IsNull><FieldRef Name=’Archive_x0020_Date’ /></IsNull></Or></And></And></Where></Query></View>

Site Collection URL  Site collection URL where the SharePoint list defined in “List Name” can be found.
dependences  Widget that this widget depends on, in this case it is the GenericItemWidget (do not change this).


View Name:  internalpagereactions (5.5 Hive Install)

View Description: Displays a title, a publication date, an image (if set on the item), and related content section, if populated in the item.  The display of likes and share are configurable on the widget instance.

View Preview:

View Name:  default

View Description: Displays a title, a publication date, an image (if set on the item), and related content section, if populated in the item.

View Preview:

Views: 1375