Company News List Widget - Akumina Community

Company News List Widget

Company News Hero Widget


To display Company News Items in a stacked order.


  • Provides a summary list of the items in the news list
  • Displays and Orders the items based on their Start Date
  • Does not display items that have reached their Expiration Date
  • Includes a link to the full news listing page


    • Widget Name: CompanyNewsListWidget
    • Available With: Release 4.1 and Above
    • Content App Type: AkuminaNews
    • Content Type: Author
    • Content App Name: Company News
    • List Name: CompanyNews_AK
    • Recommended Images Sizes: 760 x 500 px
    • Dependencies:  SharePoint


Title  Title that will display in the Content App list 
Body  Rich text that will makeup the body of the News article 
Expires  Date and time when the news article will become inactive and no longer display 
Start Date  Date that the article will 
AnnouncementTitle  Title that will be displayed for the news Item 
Summary  Summary of the news item 
Image  Image that will be used for the new item 
Featured  Checkbox to set it item is featured or not 
NewsCategory  Managed Metadata for tagging  
Friendly URL Friendly URL of the detail page



isroot If false, the list which contains the data for this instance is on the current site.

If true, the list which contains the data is on the root of the Site Collection.

selectfields The data fields (columns) from the SharePoint list that the widget should retrieve for use in this instance.

For this example, the selectfields = ID,Created,Image,FriendlyUrl,Start_x0020_Date,AnnouncementTitle

ispaging If false, the widget will not display paging controls

If true, the widget will display paging controls (if implemented by developer in widget)

pagesize Sets the number of items to display on each page IF paging is enabled.
listname Name of the SharePoint list that contains the data to be displayed for this instance.
callbackmethod The callbackmethod is set by the developer of the widget.
isasynccallback Value for this type of instance = false
viewxml The viewxml contains any special manipulation of the data that needs to be done by the widget BEFORE it gets render by the specified view.  In this case, the viewxml is set to the following string:

<View><Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=’Start_x0020_Date’ Ascending=’FALSE’></FieldRef></OrderBy><Where><And><Leq><FieldRef Name=’Start_x0020_Date’ ></FieldRef><Value IncludeTimeValue=’TRUE’ Type=’DateTime’><Today ></Today></Value></Leq><Or><Geq><FieldRef Name=’Expires’ ></FieldRef><Value IncludeTimeValue=’TRUE’ Type=’DateTime’><Today ></Today></Value></Geq><IsNull><FieldRef Name=’Expires’ ></FieldRef></IsNull></Or></And></Where></Query><RowLimit>4</RowLimit></View>

Note that the number of items (Rows) to display on the site is specified in the <RowLimit>4</RowLimit> argument.

callbacktype Value for this type of instance = customdataload
dataloadproperties N/A
cache interval Sets the time (in secs) that the data should be saved in the local browser cache of the current user.

0 = do not cache the data for this widget

-1 = use the default caching strategy set in the Digital Workplace configuration

[whole number] = cache for specified time (secs)

orderby N/A
orderdirection N/A
uicallbackmethod N/A
displaytemplateurl N/A
dependencies GenericListWidget



View Name:  NewsDetail-SideContent

View Description:  Displays Company News Items in a stacked view

 View Preview:

Views: 850