Understanding Akumina Tray Functions - Akumina Community

Understanding Akumina Tray Functions

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Understanding Akumina Tray Functions

The Akumina Tray enables authorized users to access functions for Akumina Framework and Experience Builder,  and includes tool tips for each of the tray buttons. Each function can be individually permissioned by SharePoint Security Groups using the Tray Widget properties. This allows the site administrator to control which SharePoint Security Groups will have access to each function.  SharePoint Security Groups assigned will have access to the functions throughout the entire site.

The Akumina default install includes an Akumina Tray and two additional trays for the Experience Builder Page Editor Component; a bottom tray and a right tray.

A description of the tray buttons and functionality for Akumina Tray and Experience Builder Page Editor trays are described below in detail.

Akumina Tray

The Akumina Tray is available to authorized users on the Home Site and sub-sites pages.  The Akumina Tray provides quick access to a number of Akumina Framework enabled functions including:







Launch AppManager Launches AppManager

Release 4.0

Jump to debug screen Opens the debug modal, which provides access to cache options and developer tools.

Release 4.0

New experience/page Allows the ability to add a new Experience Builder page in the current site.

Release 4.5

Launch Impersonation Engine Enables the ability to select a persona to impersonate allowing an authorized user to view the content of the pages through the lens of another user (persona) and navigate the entire site to ensure the site is working as designed for that persona prior to publishing.

 Release 4.5

Launch Broadcast Center Launches the Broadcast Center to enable authorized users to create corporate messages.

 Release 5.5

Search an existing page Allows the ability to search existing pages and enables navigation to the selected page

 Release 4.1

Switch to live mode Enabling this switch turns on Live Mode, which disables the caching of content in the local browser so that any content changes are seen immediately on refresh. The option will remain as set until it is changed (not just for current session)

 Release 4.0

Enable widget properties editing Enables the widget editing mode.

 Release 4.5

Enable quick content editing Enables the ability to click on a content item on the front-end site and jump directly to the content app editing interface for that item. When enabled, content items that can be accessed will highlight when mousing over them.

 Release 4.0

Preview page versioning Enables the ability to view the page versions created for the page and the personas associated with the page versions.  Provides the ability to copy a page version to create draft versions and enable live pages.

 Release 5.0


Experience Builder Page Editor Component Trays

The Experience Builder Page Editor Component provides functionality to define pages, page layouts, page types and persona personalization based on a desired user experience.

To learn more about the Akumina Experience builder, please reference Experience Builder and  Experience Builder 3.0


The Akumina tray includes an edit page content button on the right of the screen to invoke the Experience Builder Page Editor Component Trays.Working with Experience Builder_513x42

The Experience Builder Page Editor Component includes two trays; a bottom tray and a right panel tray:

  • The bottom tray provides functionality to customize the page layout by specific cells.
  • The right panel tray enables page edit mode to allow for update, publish and save functionality of the page.



The page editor bottom tray enables the following functions:







Preview page

Preview the newly created page before publishing

 Release 4.5

Add row

Add a new row to the page layout

 Release 4.5

Toggle row editing

Select a specified row layout ; or delete the row 

 Release 4.5

Toggle widget editing

Select widgets to be added in the specified cell on the page ; and then choose to swap   , move  or delete the widget 

 Release 4.5

Reset edit mode

Reset multiple edit buttons with one button click

 Release 4.5

Set widget restriction


Configure the type of widget instances allowed in the cell ; used for saved layouts. 

(Note:  only one widget type can be restricted per column, although multiple instances of that widget type can be used in the column.)

 Release 4.5

Change grid

Change the page container layout. This button will only appear when widgets have not been selected on the page

 Release 4.5

Page properties

Change the defined page properties (details, permissions, metadata, and personas)

 Release 4.5

Persona personalization

Provides true page personalization by driving different experiences per Persona on the same URL

 Release 5.0

Note:  The bottom tray button color will change to purple when selected. 


The page editor right panel tray enables the following functions:







Exit edit page

Exits page editing mode, closes VXC trays and displays page

 Release 4.5

Add to menu

Adds the new friendly URL page name to menu

 Release 4.5

Save layout

Allows authorized user to save new page layout and will be available in “Saved layouts” for future use

 Release 4.5

Rail layout

Allows authorized users to customize the rails to be included on the page, the widget instances included in the rail, and the specified CSS class for the rails

 Release 4.8

Schedule publish Select date and time when the new page will be published

 Release 4.5

Save page Save the page for additional editing prior to being published

 Release 4.5

Show page actions 

Makes the right panel tray visible

 Release 4.5


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