Working with Akumina Flow Owner Management App - Akumina Community

Working with Akumina Flow Owner Management App

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This application allows process owners to monitor and manage process instances.

From this page you can monitor instances and run reports.

Search Instances

Instance Actions

Cancel an open instance. Cancel notifications, if defined, will be sent
Physically remove this instance from the system. It’s report data, if any, will NOT be deleted.
View/Manage individual tasks of instance
View the property values for this instance


You can run reports against completed and canceled instances. There are 5 types of reports available; although not all may be configured for your instance.

Process Counts
Displays the count of instances, which match your filter, by instance status
Process Score
Provides a single score (out of 100) for all instances which match your filter. The score is based on the score of each choice property selected in the instance where Score = Sum(score of selected choice) / Max Score
Process Choice Value Usage
For each choice property in instances that match your filter, displays the count of each selected choice. Select a property and click the piechart icon to see the selection breakdown in a piechart.
{Property Name} Values
For each property (excluding choice, hidden and file types) a report selection is available to view all the values provided for this property in the instances that match your filter
Properties Export
Allows you to export properties for completed instances that match your filter. The export is in CSV format and is capped at 5000 rows.
Process Workflow Performance
Per task, displays count that were not completed in time, the average time to assign the task and the average time to complete the task
Process Workflow Performance
Per task, displays count that were not completed in time, the average time to assign the task and the average time to complete the task
Process Assignee Workflow Performance
Per task and assignee, displays total count processed, count that were not completed in time, the average time to assign the task and the average time to complete the task
Process Role Workflow Performance
Per role and task, displays total count processed, count that were not completed in time, the average time to assign the task and the average time to complete the task

Filter Report Instances

Similar to the “Search Instances Filter”, you can limit which instances are included in the report.

Reports are only available for instances with Status of Completed or Canceled. You can optionally filter by just Completed or Canceled. Leave empty to see both Completed and Canceled instances.
Closed Date Range
Optionally provide a date range to limit instances by closed date (completed/canceled date). Provide just the “from” date to find all instances closed since a date. Provide just a “To” date to find all instances up to a date. Provide both dates to find all instances that were closed within the provided range
Limit instances to those created by a specific user. The person dropdown also includes “Instance Owner”. For the “Process Assignee Workflow Performance” report it also includes “Assignee”.
You can limit the instances by the value of process property. Select the property and enter a value. If the property is a choice property, the value field will be a dropdown that is limited to the valid choice selections.
For workflow performance reports, a “Task” filter is also provided
For the “Process Role Workflow Performance” report, a “Role” filter is provided
Views: 123