Media Widget - Akumina Community

Media Widget

Media Widget


Displays the enabled media images and videos.


    • Displays the enabled images and videos stored in the central foundation site or specified home site content apps in AppManager.
    • Ability to search and filter for images and videos
    • Ability to tag items with keyword selectors
    • Ability to integrate with the social engine to allow reactions and comments.
    • Ability to select taxonomy dropdowns to filter images and videos based on a user’s selected preferences.
    • Provides additional details (file name, file type, dimension, descriptions, and tags) on the image or video content
    • Provides actionable buttons for ability to copy or download the content


    • Widget Name: MediaWidget
    • Available With:  Release 5.5 Hive install and above
    • Content App Type: File
    • Content Type: AkuminaImages, AkuminaVideos
    • Content App Name: Media Images, Media Videos
    • List Name: FoundationImages_AK, Videos_AK
    • Recommended Images Sizes: N/A
    • Dependencies: Image Gallery, uses HTML 5 viewer for video player


Name File name (.jpg name)
Tags Tags associated with the item
Title Title that displays on the site, and in the content app list
Date Time The date and time that the item was uploaded
Comments Contributors comments
Keywords Keywords selected to be tagged on item
Image Image that displays
Description Optional description of item
Publisher Name of Publisher


Widget Framework Determines the type of framework the widget provides. Value = react
Query Determines the filter options to display on the media page.

Defines the search data filter options to be displayed in JSON format. The title is the token name to be displayed.




“Title”: “fs.mediawidget.allmedia”,

“Query”: “ContentType:AkuminaImages OR ContentType:AkuminaVideos”



“Title”: “fs.mediawidget.images”,

“Query”: “ContentType:AkuminaImages”



“Title”: “fs.mediawidget.videos”,

“Query”: “ContentType:AkuminaVideos”




Customize your query:

If you want to return all media items that have been tagged with “book”, you would use the following for the “Query” widget property value:


[{“Title”:”fs.mediawidget.allmedia”,”Query”:”(ContentType:AkuminaImages OR ContentType:AkuminaVideos) AND (owstaxidmetadataalltagsinfo:\”book\”)”},{“Title”:”fs.mediawidget.images”,”Query”:”(ContentType:AkuminaImages) AND (owstaxidmetadataalltagsinfo:\”book\”)”},{“Title”:”fs.mediawidget.videos”,”Query”:”(ContentType:AkuminaVideos) AND (owstaxidmetadataalltagsinfo:\”book\”)”}]


The important things to note are the parentheses around the “OR” statement (so it reads “is content type X OR Y as well as tagged with Z”) and the backslashes in front of the quotes for the tag (this “escapes” the character so it remains valid what is called JSON).

If you wanted to query for multiple tags, inside the second set of parentheses you would add AND followed by another owstaxidmetadataalltagsinfo:\”tagname\”.

Search Across Sites Determines to search for news across sites or news from this site only.

When checked, searches for news across all sites. If not checked, searches this site only.

# of Items to Display Determines the number of media items to be displayed on the page. OOTB default set to 9 media items.
Selected list columns Determines the columns to be retrieved from the SharePoint list.





 Refiners Defines the term store values to be displayed for the search properties in JSON format.

Name – the name of the alias in search schema

Display name – name to display in the drop down for field refinement

Id – corresponding term id



Sort By Defines the managed metadata to be displayed for the search sort properties in JSON format.




“DisplayName”: “fs.mediawidget.relevance”,

“Name”: “Rank”



“DisplayName”: “fs.mediawidget.uploaddate”,

“Name”: “Created”



“DisplayName”: “fs.mediawidget.modifieddate”,

“Name”: “LastModifiedTime”



Function to call before binding the UI events OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the function called after the UI has been rendered to the screen
Function to call after fetching data OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the function called after data has been fetched by the widget.
Cache Interval Sets the time, in minutes, that the data should be saved in the local browser cache of the current user.

·       0 = Do not cache the data for this widget

·       -1 = Use the default caching strategy set via Site Creator

Whole Number = Cache for specific time, in minutes


View Name:  Media

View Description: Displays the enabled media images and videos.

View Preview:



Views: 645