Me Bar Management Widget (Foundation Site Install not Hive) - Akumina Community

Me Bar Management Widget (Foundation Site Install not Hive)

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Me Bar Management Widget


Manage a customizable list of user specific widgets that a user will see.


    • Display a list of user specific widgets.
    • Titles of the widgets are managed in the supporting content app “Mebar Manager”.
    • Mebar can appear on any site or any page within the site.
    • A different supporting list of managed widgets can be configured for a widget instance.  Example on a Department site a supporting list could be created that have a subset of me bar type widgets, the supporting list location is configurable on the widget property.
    • Using the “Mebar Manager” slider  content App, the following items can be managed:
        • The order of the widgets  to be displayed can be managed.
        • The accordion appearance in a collapsed or expanded state is managed.
        • Widgets can be placed in an inactive state and not appear on the front end.  If is recommended that widget not be deleted but put in an inactive state in case they are desired for use in the future.
        • Titles from the “Mebar Manager” content app, display as the widget titles.  For multilingual, language version of the Slider content are created and titles are updated for the supported language.


    • Widget Name:  MeBarManagementWidget
    • Available With:  Release 4.8 and above
    • Content App Type:  N/A
    • Content Type:  AkuminaMeBar
    • Content App Name: Mebar Manager
    • List Name:  MeBarManager_AK
    • Recommended Images Sizes:  N/A
    • Dependencies:  SharePoint


Title The Display Title on the Mebar for this widget. Multilingual versions of this title will be managed in this content app in each language version of the content
WidgetInstanceName The name of the widget instance to be displayed on the mebar
WidgetInstanceId The widget instance ID to be displayed, acquire this value from the widget manager of the specific widget to display
Collapsed If check then the widget on the mebar will appear in a collapsed state, else unchecked the widget will appear within the mebar in a non-collapsed state.
ItemOrder Controlled and set by the slider type App, determines the display order of the widgets
ItemActive Controlled and set by the slider type App, determines if the widget will be available for the end user. an Inactive widget will not be seen on the front end site.


List is on Root Site When checked, the widget references the list on parent/root site collection.
List Name Name of the SharePoint list that contains the data to be displayed for this widget instance
Welcome Message Message that is displayed on the widget
Site Collection URL Site collection URL where the SharePoint list defined in “List Name” can be found.
viewxml XML code used in the view
Cache Interval Sets the time, in minutes, that the data should be saved in the local browser cache of the current user.

·       0 = Do not cache the data for this widget

·       -1 = Use the default caching strategy set via Site Creator

Whole Number = Cache for specific time, in minutes

Function to call after fetching data OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the function called after data has been fetched by the widget.
Function to call before binding the UI events OOTB -Blank (used for widget expansion):  Name of the function called after the UI has been rendered to the screen
Selected list columns Columns in the SharePoint list that the widget is utilizing
Display the user’s background Image If selected will display the user’s background image as the background image at the top of the widget.  A SharePoint “user property” must be created if this is checked to store the user’s preferred background image, please visit here to learn more.

Uncheck this box if background images are not going to be used on this site

dependencies Widget that this widget depends on, in this case the GenericListWidget


View Name:  default

View Description:  Displays widgets in an expand/collapse vertical layout

View Preview:

    • The user background image, as seen on this site’s employee detail page, can be configured to be displayed as the background of the user image, if configured on this widget’s property “Display the user’s background Image” (checked).

Views: 74