Voice Workflows Module - Akumina Community

Voice Workflows Module

The Voice Workflows Module provides content authors, editors and administrators the ability to review content and approve/reject the content changes before content is published. The Workflows Module allows the reviewer to view the full item content, and preview the item content on various sized devices (mobile, tablet, desktop) before content is published.

Enabling Content Workflow

Content Workflow is a way to make sure that content is reviewed and approved prior to content being published. The Workflow Module has been integrated with Akumina Flow Designer to streamline and automate the content approval process, allowing reviewer comments, auto approval, and sending notifications to editors/reviewers. To learn more about Akumina Flow, see here.

Content Workflow requires the following steps:

  1. Establishing roles for the process
  2. Adding Content Approval to the list
  3. Triggering the Approval Flow for the Content App

Establishing Roles

Roles are used to define the user or set of users able to complete a certain task in the process. Roles can be defined based on Persona, Azure AD Group, Specific Users, or External Agents.

Content Workflow process flow requires a minimum of two types of roles to be created, an Author/Content Editor role and a role for the Content Reviewer(s).

To create roles, go to AppManager in the Central Site > Management Apps > Akumina Flow Designer > Sub-Pages > Roles

To create a new role, add a role name and click add.

When the role is created, the actor criteria (user(s) who can complete this role) is set to Everyone by default.

To edit the user(s) for this role, click the edit icon and select the appropriate user or user group.

In this example, AAD Group has been selected and a modal to search AAD groups is presented to search. Select the group and click OK.

The role will be updated for those users in the selected group to have access to this role.

Clicking on the members icon will display all users (and their email) in the actor criteria for this role.

Follow the above steps to create a Content Reviewer role and select reviewer members.

Now that the author/editor and reviewer roles have been created, these roles are used when creating and activating content for content approval.

Adding Content Approval

To establish a Content Approval process, the SharePoint List’s content and the number of review tasks required to approve the content must be defined.

To add content approval, go to AppManager in the Central Site > Management Apps > Akumina Flow Designer > Add > Content approval

Provide a name for the Content Approval and select the SharePoint site collection from the dropdown that contains the SharePoint list.

Select the SharePoint Site that contains the content list.

Select the SharePoint list that contains the content.

A Content App is required for the SharePoint list that contains the content. Make sure SharePoint Approval is set to “On” to require content approval for submitted items.

To turn SharePoint Approval to “On”, go to SharePoint > Settings > Version Settings and click “Yes” on require content approval for submitted items. This will replace the publish button in the content app with a submit button to trigger the approval process.


Select the role that can create an instance of this Content Approval. In our example, Content Editor.

Add the number of review tasks for this approval process. If the process requires two review tasks, select the role for each task and click “Add” button.

In the example below, two review tasks have been established for Reviewer and Manager.

For each review task, determine if auto approval is allowed by selecting yes/no in Allow Auto Approval.  When Auto Approval is allowed, the content will automatically be approved and review members will receive a notification of auto approval.

The review tasks are completed in order as they are listed on the screen. The review task sequence can be changed using the up/down arrows.

Click on “Create” button to activate the Content Approval Process Flow.

Click on “Publish” and Click “Activate”.

The Content Approval Process Flow is activated and ready for use.

Triggering the Workflow Process

The Workflow approval process will be triggered when an author/editor creates a new item or edits an existing item in the Structured Content Module which has content approval enabled. With content approval enabled, the publish button will be replaced with a submit button to trigger the approval process.

When an editor has finished working on a content item and clicks save, the item is set to pending status as shown in the top rail action bar.

Submitting Content 

When an editor clicks submit, a popup modal will display to confirm the submission of this item.

After clicking submit, a message will display “Item submitted for approval”. The top rail action bar will display the review status and a cancel approval process button to cancel the approval submission and continue editing the content.

The content is submitted for approval and the content will show in a pending status on the content app listing screen.

When an editor has finished working on a content item, the item is set to Pending status. The appointed reviewers must then approve the content item before it can be published. The reviewers will see a notification count on the Workflows Module when an item needs to be reviewed for approval.

Workflows Pending Review 

The Workflows Module will show a count of items in the Content Manager Rail to indicate that content is pending review. The Workflows Module will display the list of the items requiring review and allows the reviewer to view the full item content, or select preview to view the content on various sized devices (mobile, tablet, desktop) before the content is approved or rejected.

Workflow View Item

Click on the view item button, to view all the details of the content for review.

A reviewer can also click on the item title to view the full details of the content in structured content tabs.

Workflow Preview

Click on the preview button and select the device type to preview the content in mobile, tablet or desktop view.

Note: Lists that do not have a preview set will not display a preview button on the listing screen.

To exit, click on Exit Preview button in the top bar.


Workflow Reject/Approve

Clicking approve or reject will provide a pop-up modal to enter reviewers comments.

Approved Content

Click approve and enter a comment for the author (approval comments are optional) and click approve.

When all reviewers have approved the content, it will show as published in the content app listing screen.

The content editor can click on Editorial comments in the Structured Content Module action bar to view the reviewers comment.

Rejected Content

Click reject and enter a comment for the author (reject comments are required) and click reject.

Content that has been rejected will show as rejected in the Structured content app listing screen.

The content editor can click on Editorial comments in the Structured Content Module action bar to view the reviewers comment with the reason for rejection.


The content editor can update the content based on the comments and resubmit for approval.

Can I set up a different set of reviewers based on a value within my SharePoint List Item?

What if I want a different set of reviewers to review my list item based on some value within the SharePoint item itself. An example may be based on a region or other metadata tag.
We will briefly document the steps needed to implement this below. This is an advanced feature so please reach out to Akumina Support for more detailed guidance on setting this up.

In Akumina Flow Designer Management App, use Advanced Edit to modify the Akumina Flow:

1. Create a separate Akumina Flow review task for each distinct set of reviewers (with a role defined for each one of them).
2. Add a choice property to your Akumina Flow
2.1 create a choice value for each unique set of reviewers
2.2 assign the choice property to the Flow’s Start Task
3. Create the dependency links for each review task and make it dependent on the choice property value that is appropriate for each review

On the Front End:

1. Implement the AkExtendWorkFlowCallback to inject the value for the Choice property created in step 2. above
2. Here’s an example implemetation:

AkExtendWorkFlowCallback = (processId, item) => {
if (processId != "MYSPECIALPROCESS") { return {}; }
const region = JSON.parse(item.Region);
if (region.SelectedNodes.find(r => r.Label == "China") { return {"CHOICE_PROPERTY_NAME": "CHINA" }; }
else { return {"CHOICE_PROPERTY_NAME": "OTHER"}; }

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