Adding the Azure Storage Account to AppManager Configuration - Akumina Community

Adding the Azure Storage Account to AppManager Configuration

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The final step is to add the information for the Azure Storage Account to the AppManager configuration.


Edit the interchange.settings.config file found in the AppManager file directory. Look for the following key:


<add key=”akumina:RemoteStorageConnection” value=”DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myAccount;AccountKey=myKey; ” />


Replace the highlighted portion with the Connection String from the storage account. Example:


<add key=”akumina:LogRemoteStorageConnection” value=” DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=greg111;AccountKey=aWeDbru3Q8aafsdfds6vnM/OQ6H23Wx NVEKgakkaPM3ZAQOdsfsdafPl3jBo6EjMN+xUTkwnYtdsfdsay32TjvCcWGE0aQ==;; ” />


Key Vault configuration

If using an Azure Key Vault, it is required that you have the connection string above in a secret.

“RemoteStorageConnection”: “DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myAccount;AccountKey=myKey;”

The secret identifier would then go in the key as shown:

<add key=”akumina:RemoteStorageConnection” value=”https://{keyvault}{secretname}/{guid}” />

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