Addressing 500 Server Error on Web App - Akumina Community

Addressing 500 Server Error on Web App

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Sites hosted in an Azure Web App may experience 500 (5XX) errors (this is not applicable when a web site is hosted in an Azure VM). Azure Web App files are mounted using remote file storage, sometimes resulting in connection issues to the remote storage. This can cause the application (AppManager) to be restarted leading to 500 errors. The following steps can be taken to reduce the chances of these errors occurring:

  1. Configure the dss.config to use a SharePoint list or Azure Table Storage instead of a physical file
  2. Configure the log file to be saved in Azure Storage instead of a physical file
  3. Enable Local Cache by adding the following key under “Application Settings” in the Azure Portal

Note: Enabling Local Cache mode may take some time to activate after setting the key. To check to see if it is enabled:

  • Go to https://<YOUR SITE>
  • Click “Properties” and verify that the environment variable WEBSITE_LOCALCACHE_READ is set to true

Views: 6458