Working with Slider Type Content Apps - Akumina Community

Working with Slider Type Content Apps

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When launching a Slider content app type, the user is brought directly into the editing interface for the app.  This is because the app itself deals with multiple “items” in a single interface.

As an example, let’s look at launching a “FAQ” app to edit the FAQ display on the site.


Double clicking the FAQ content app icon navigates directly to the following content interface:


Each question in the FAQ is represented by a single “bar” in the display.  The slides in the carousel can be reordered by simply dragging them to change the order.


In addition, a question can be moved to the “Inactive” list (will not display on the site) by either toggling the selector on the bar from On/Off, or alternatively dragging the item in/out of the “Inactive Items” area.

Clicking on the “+” in an item will expand the bar to display all the fields for that item that can be used to specify the questions content.  In this case, it is a very simple question/answer pair.


Field Details
Question The text for the question
Answer The answer for the question.  This is a rich text field to allow for formatting of the answer.


Finally, the Add New button () is used to add a new item to the content app (in our example, a new question for the FAQ)

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