Setting Permissions on Core Supporting Lists - Akumina Community

Setting Permissions on Core Supporting Lists

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There are several lists that support the Akumina Framework that ALL users must have edit, contribute and read permissions to (especially visitors).

This table does not include implementation specific lists where content specific to the customer would be stored – NewsComments_AK/UserNewsSubscription_AK was included as many customers inquire about these lists


R = Read Required

C = Contribute Required

O = Optional Feature (this means not all implementations need this)


Cell Value

E = Everyone that should have access to the site (could include external users if you require external user access, if not you can use ‘Everyone except external users’)

A = Authors (Could be Owners / Members / or specific Group denoting the need to modify the list)


List R C O Description/Feature
PageWidgets_AK E A Supports pagebuilder and user dashboards – relates the page to the widgets therein.

Can be limited to authors only.

PageData_AK E E X Supports the Akumina Framework search, see:

If FULL TEXT search is not required this can be disabled

Widgets_AK E A Framework for Widgets
WidgetProperties_AK E A Framework for Widgets
WidgetViews_AK E A Framework for Widgets
GenericPages_AK E A Framework for Pages
PageUrls_AK E A Framework for Pages
PageTypes_AK E A Framework for Pages
SavedLayouts_AK E A Framework for Pages
PageLayouts_AK E Framework for Pages
ContainerLayouts_AK E Framework for Pages
PageVersions_AK E A X Framework for Pages
PageDrafts_AK E A X Framework for Pages
PageFolders_AK E A X Framework for Pages
IntranetSurvey_AK E E X Default Form in Foundation Site
Languages_AK E A X Used only for Multilingual Sites
Personas_AK E A X Used only for Persona Enabled Sites
SettingsAK E A X Used for content app settings – optionally stored in Sharepoint or Azure
DigispaceConfigurationIDS_AK E Used for configuration key/value pairs for framework and implementation
DashboardDragDrop_AK E E X Supports the user personal dashboard feature – houses a user’s personal Dashboard configuration data. All access can be revoked if Dashboard Feature is not used.
Forms_AK E A X Used for FORMS functionality
FormSubmissions_AK E E X Supports the Forms feature in the site – Everyone except External Users should have Contribute
AppDisplayOrder_AK A A Needed for the AppManager; allows the user to order Apps inside Appmanager.
Comments_AK A A   Supports commenting in the AppManager
Apps_AK A A   Management Apps for AppManager
MyDashboard_AK E E X Supports the user personal dashboard feature.
DashboardWidgets_AK E A X Front End Dashboard Widget Configuration
DashboardAppManager_AK E A X Stores AppManager Dashboard Widgets
SinglePageApplication_AK E E
StepPlanInstances_AK E E X Supports the user ability to start a step plan
StepPlans_AK E A X Supports the user ability to author or edit a step plan definition
NewIntranetFeedback_AK E E X Default form in Foundation 2 site
TaxonomyPageRoutes_AK E A X Detail Pages categorization
DashboardWidgetProperties_AK E E
PageObjects_AK E A X Framework for Pages
NewsComments_AK E E X Allowing visitors to leave comments on new articles
ContentLayouts_AK E A X Stores Layouts used in custom layouts in ckeditor layout plugin
Views: 1051