Auto Widget Provisioning - Akumina Community

Auto Widget Provisioning

As part of release 4.8, a new feature has been added to provide Auto Widget Provisioning functionality to allow an authorized user the ability to create a new widget from the front-end and auto provision its dependencies (lists, taxonomies, etc.) to easily manage and quickly extend their DWP solution for a page.


Auto Widget Provisioning allows the user to create a new widget instance on the front-end, select the list to use (either existing or newly created) and the widget and contents will be added to the page.


In page edit mode, add a new widget instance:

  1. Select “Add New”
  2. Select Widget Type
  3. Create a Widget Instance Name
  4. Option to Select Icon and Create Description
  5. Click on List Name folder icon


Note: Please refer to “Working with Experience Builder” user guide for additional information.


A Content List pop up box will appear with options to (a) Select List, (b) Create New List, or (c) Advanced Mode (All lists):


(a) To create a new widget instance using an existing list with the same content type:

  1. Click on Select List

  1. The content type is prepopulated in the Select Content Type based on the content type selection on the prior screen, in this example Calendar Widget
  2. The Select List drop down will display the existing lists available for the content type
  3. Select the list and click ok

(b) To create a new widget instance using a newly created list with the same content type:

  1. Click on Create New List

  1. The content type is prepopulated in the Select Content Type based on the content type selection on the prior screen, in this example Calendar Widget
  2. The Select List drop down will display the existing lists available for the content type
  3. Select the checkboxes (as applicable)
    • “Is Language Neutral” – if checked, the newly created list will be added to the language neutral lists
    • “Is Searchable” – if checked, the items from the list will be allowed to appear in the search results
  4. Select the list and click ok

(c) To create a new widget instance using advanced mode (all lists) with any content type:

  1. Click on Advanced Mode (All lists)

  2. Select List from the drop down of list names
  3. Click ok


The selected list will appear in the List Name Property Value

Click add and the widget with content will be added to the page.

Views: 438