AppManager Themes (release 5.0 and above) - Akumina Community

AppManager Themes (release 5.0 and above)

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The AppManager Themes screen allows an authorized user to chose the theme color for the AppManager Site.

Setting AppManager Site Theme Color

AppManager Themes establishes the theme color that will display on all AppManager screens for the site.

Click on a theme to select a color theme for the AppManager site.

In the above example, the selected theme color is Blue.  The primary color of the site will be blue, and a secondary accent color is green as shown in the circle.

All theme colors have two colors in the palette, except for the Akumina theme.  The Akumina theme has three colors in the palette.

Note new sites default to the Akumina color palette.

Click “Set Theme” to save your theme color for AppManager.


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