Process Properties Section - Akumina Community

Process Properties Section

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What properties do you want to collect as part of this process?

Property Types

Internally all property values are stored as strings

Property which is constrained by a set of multilingual valid values. You can select the minimum and maximum number of selections allowed
UTC Date using format “yyyy-MM-dd”
UTC DateTime using format “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm”
Upload file; placed in Storage Blob in virtual folder customerid/tp/instanceid/propertyname. The property only holds the original file name
property which is not displayed in the task UI
Text value that holds up to 512 characters.
Decimal value; e.g., 390.76
Integer value
Text value that holds up to 80 characters.
Time in format “hour:minute”.
A property which will hold a user’s display name. When added to a task’s working view, a user picker will be provided in the widget. Click on the pencil (edit) icon to provide additional peoplesync user properties that will populate associated process properties.

Customizing the Generated Properties View

When designing the “Working” view for a task, the system provides default view templates for properties which provide 2 way binding when used on the Akumina Flow widgets. So for example a “Text” property would be built something like below:

<input maxlength="80" type="text" data-bind="knockout 2 way binding details" />

The “maxlength=80” clause comes from what was entered in the second field in the “Type” column. Refer to “MANAGER_NAME” property displayed above.
These HTML settings allow you to control how the property is displayed on every task’s working view. For each property type, the system initializes this field to default settings.

While you can always customize the HTML in the “Working” view any way you want, it is convenient to use the property’s HTML settings. So what can you use the HTML settings for? Some common uses are:

  • Set max number of characters allowed
  • Set a pattern expression to enforce validation rules; for example if you only wanted to allow letters and numbers to be entered, you could use pattern=”[A-Za-z0-9]+”

If you are looking for formatting/validating standard types like email or telephone, it would be better to manually change the type=”text” setting to the desired type; as in type=”email”.

Property Value Formatting

Akumina Flow can apply basic formatting to user entered property values on the task is completed.

  • Case Conversion: force entered value to uppercase, lowercase or leave as entered
  • Leading and Trailing Spaces: remove leading and trailing spaces or leave as entered
  • Default Value: provide a default value for this property; you can provide a separate value per supported language

Field Level Error Messages

New in 6.5
The “Working Layout” generator now supports field level error messages.

Configure Widget Level Error Message Using Language Files

A single error message in shown at the top of the Akumina User Flow Widget and each invalid field is surrounded by a colored border (using your configured error color). This multilingual error message is configured in your front-end language files at: “teamprocess.instance.errors.400”. You can create a custom error message per Akumina Flow by adding a language token prefixed by your process ID as in “SOME_PROCESS_ID.teamprocess.instance.errors.400”

Enable Field Level Error Messages

By default, field level error messages are not included in the generated HTML. When generating a Task’s Working Layout, you can change the “Settings” (set “Add Field Level Error Message” to “Yes”) to include a field level error message underneath each required input field.

Configure Field Level Error Message Using Language Files

The default field level error message is configured in your front-end language files at: “teamprocess.instance.errors.isRequired”. You can create a custom error message per Akumina Flow by adding a language token prefixed by your process ID as in “SOME_PROCESS_ID.teamprocess.instance.errors.isRequired”.

Configure Field Level Error Messages Per Property

You can also create a custom error message per property by entering the desired multilingual error message here.

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