Process Usage Section - Akumina Community

Process Usage Section

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Data Expiration

Process Instances are stored for a specified period of time. There is a separate configuration setting for instances that are open (in work) and for those that are completed.

When is an instance overdue?

If process instances should be completed within a set period of time, configure 1 or more of the instance “due by” fields.

Anonymous Submission

You can configure process instances to be submitted anonymously. There are a few caveats to anonymous submission:

  • The instance is not anonymized until it is completed
  • Properties that you add to the process are not affected; so avoid storing user information

Limiting User Submissions

You can limit how often a user can create an instance of your process. This is often used with polls and surveys. Enter the number of days the user must wait until submitting another instance. Note that the system maintains this information while still honoring anonymous submissions.

The AkuminaFlowUserWidget will display the date and time when the user can submit a new instance.
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